Winifred Wisdom is REAL! Really JAMMIN!
Jam is loving that we have collaborated with Scottsdale Public Art & the journal classes that we are teaching through their movement truly touch the heart!
Terry Parvan of Winifred Street taught last night's class for Scottsdale Public Art's 100+ Journal Movement!
"Thank you Terry Parvan for being you! For inviting me to participating in the Embracing a heART Full Life collaborative effort last night at JAM. You inspire so many women to share their love. I felt honored to create a mandala.
Bless you!"
Spread the JAM!

Love Terry! This was an incredible HeARTful Living Journaling workshop. It is just amazing to think that my own HeART felt message will go out into the world like that. Thank you so much for providing the space for such a special event. ~Blessings, Janet