And cute as a pumpkin!
Crafts, magic & bliss!
Gorgeous day, lovely people!
Jammin music . . .
Jammin for fun and
benefiting artists & Doves Organization. (stopping senior abuse)
Friendship :)
Spreading the JAM
Face Painting, Pumpkin Decorating
Happy faces
Tasty Treats!
A HUGE JAMMIN thank you to all the people & vendors that participated!
The Lovely Letter
Winifred Street
Friday I'm Sassy
Roxanna Menes
Amy Mac Jewelry Couture
Sacred Scares
The Bird's Nest
Ruby Mae Jewelry
Jewels Just for You
Grace Abounding
Cafe Crudo
Barbara Miller Designs
Julie Buttons
BOHO Farm + Home
Five Times Blessed
L'Intuitif Gem
B. Young Illustrations
Rebecca Rush Designs
Sirrine Studio
Classi Saks
Nanticoke Creek Art & Design
Free Ride in a Mason Jar & all the musicians that played.
Superstition Farm
My mom, Suzy
My brother Max (the "M" in jam)
Ricki of la Ricki
Alicia of Hot Chick Aprons
Tosca of Pebble Planet
Nina Brown for the pictures you see here.
And, all of you - the JAMMERS! ♥
Yall come back now ya hear ;)
Love, Miss JAM

(At Area Agency on Aging with Gerry presenting a percentage of proceeds from
Jammin Fall Festival to Doves Organization)
This looks like it was awesome! So wish I could have been there! Love you!