JAMMIN with Valley Permaculture Alliance

She taught the jammers how to make
medicinal salve with ingredients that grow right in our
Arizona desert.
Herbal Preperation Instructions included . . .
. . . . from the ground to the branch to the process o the jar for YOU!

Mormon tea, Chaparral & Gogi berries were all present!
We made Chaparral Salve . . . "simple nature" as Linda would say.

(Chaparral pictured above)
Desert plants anyone?

Full-on slide show was presented . . . Linda went through every step
and answered all sorts of questions to
help people understand the wide variety of uses of our desert plants.
What's a tincture? Decoction? Tea or plant? Safe or poisonous?

Olive oil, cheese cloths, beeswax & more . . .

Strain the infused liquid from the plants . . .

(shredded beeswax pictured above)

Wha-laa! There ya go - first aid made all natural!
And, it was SO jammin!!!
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