June's Member Free Event
JAMMIN Margarita Makin' El Hefe Style!

JAMMIN June Member Free Event!
Jorge showed up and before you knew it we were learning how to make
JAMMIN margaritas El Hefe style!

First it was show & tell, then it was hands on!

Yes . . . they are Chingon . . . some bad a$$ margaritas!
This was a super educational class too!
We used Milagro tequila . . . it's a silver tequila!
Tequila comes:
Silver - no casts
Repasado - 0 to 3 months casting
Anejo - 3 months or more casting
Tequila comes from a certain 6 regions in Mexico . . . or else, it's not tequila.
Tequila comes from agave plants . . .100% agave.

Now we're JAMMIN!

I love this guy pic!
Two JAMMIN guys, with our little Shvivee dog,
in our awesome jammin shop, JAMMIN away with El Hefe!

Made with fresh Strawberrys too - Anyone?
You can fin Jorge on the weekends at El Hefe in Old Town Scottsdale
every weekend, Friday - Sunday!
El Hefe :: 4425 North Saddlebag Trail, Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Our very own Alicia with Hot Chicks Aprons dresses all the waitresses
at El Hefe so totally JAMMIN!
All the pink aprons are hand-made by her!

Check out this jammin raffle prize that one of our jammers won from El Hefe . . . Tequila, agave, margarita glass & 10 food and drink coupons to El Hefe!
Thank you to El Hefe for a JAMMIN night and for tapping into our
JAMMIN community!
We look forward to JAMMIN with YOU at your chingon place you've created!
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